If there is ever a major disaster, it is almost a given the power grid will fail. When that happens, communications fail. Two way radios or walkie talkies may be the only available means of contacting others. Whether it is a major weather disaster or apocalyptic, SHTF scenario, when the cell phones, landlines and satellites go down, the last, and quite possibly only source of short and long range communications will be the open airwaves.
It has much better range. It has a great network of repeaters that can help you get information from around the world. And, it has a wider range of broadcasting and reception, allowing you to listen to (and talk on) frequencies where important communications will be happening when SHTF.
It has much better range. It has a great network of repeaters that can help you get information from around the world. And, it has a wider range of broadcasting and reception, allowing you to listen to (and talk on) frequencies where important communications will be happening when SHTF.
Personal radio services are short-range, low-power radio communications using devices that operate much like walkie-talkies. Personal radio services include one- and two-way voice services, data services and remote-control transmissions that operate equipment.
Personal radio services are short-range, low-power radio communications using devices that operate much like walkie-talkies. Personal radio services include one- and two-way voice services, data services and remote-control transmissions that operate equipment.
Repeaters make it possible to extend radio signals so communities spread across hundreds of square miles can talk to each other which is especially important in the hilly terrain of the foothills.
Repeaters make it possible to extend radio signals so communities spread across hundreds of square miles can talk to each other which is especially important in the hilly terrain of the foothills.